Thursday, April 26, 2012

DAY 116

The wife, kids and I are planning on making a trip to Boston tomorrow. My plan is to visit the Johnny Cupcakes store on Newbury Street. Very excited to see the workings of a T-shirt genius. For now, I will leave you with this cool new shirt from the man himself.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 115

I know I have been quiet for the last week. Sometimes more important things come up and the last week has been one of those times. It's frustrating because I am so close to printing my first tee. I won't be deterred though. Life goes on and so will Soda Bomb. Thank you guys for bearing with me.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 107 (a day late)

Occasionally I have a brain cramp and just forget to post. Last night was one of those times. My apologies. That being said, I will now commence with last nights post. I new shirt has been dropped by a company called Rock Candy. They are based out of the UK and do some pretty cool stuff. Check out this latest drop.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 106

Tonight I want to step a little bit outside of T-shirts. Allow me to introduce you to Kid Robot. These guys seem to specialize in Vinyl toys. In fact, their best sellers are the blank ones you can paint yourself. This is such a cool concept, I just had to share it. (They do also sell Tees)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 105

I spent some time last night discussing T-shirt blank options with my printer. I am getting very excited. My T-shirt is going to happen and it's going to happen soon. The game plan is to everything finalized and to the printer by the end of this week. Then I will need to get some extras together to go with the shirt. Then it's just a matter of time. My goal is still the first of May, give or take a week. In the meantime, check out this great shirt by Sugar Steak Apparel.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 104

Ok. This is the brilliance that is Johnny Cupcakes. As you know from yesterdays post, he release a new shirt today. Apparently he released two "flavors" with a limited quantity of 200 each. As of right now, vanilla is sold out. Let's be clear about this, he sold 200 shirts in 12 hours. With such quality graphics and clever packaging ideas, there is no wonder why. If you're interested in chocolate, I would act quick.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 103: Part 2

Johnny Cupcakes is releasing some new T-shirts tomorrow. He putt together this little video teaser to keep us guessing until then. Enjoy.

Day 103: Part 1

I just have to plug this T-shirt. It isn't by any specific T-shirt designer but it is advertising the coolest Barber Shop ever. Lucky's Barbeshop & Shave Parlor is the place, and they do it right. I have been taking my boys to these guys on and off for years. The moment you walk in the door, you feel like you stepped back in time. The whole vibe is ol' skool. Josh and Jimmy (the owners) are great guys and will most likely chat your ears off. Don't worry though; most likely the conversation will be about hot rods and rockabilly blues. If you are located anywhere in the central NH area, do me a favor and check them out. While you are at it, show support by purchasing one of these awesome Tee's.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 102

A little while ago I posted an awesome "kool-aid" shirt by Beast Wreck and got some great feed back. I since we all liked that Tee so much I would give them another plug. This one is equally as cool but it goes after the solid food groups as apposed to the sugar beverage food group. Enjoy the Beast Burger.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 101

I got some great feedback on the proposed first T-shirt. I will be making a few tweeks based on feedback, but still excited to get this to the printers and see what happens.
Today my sister in-law sent me a link to what appears to be some very useful reading material. If anyone is looking for random gift ideas to give to yours truly check this site out.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 100

On the 100th day of my T-shirt venture I am pleased to show the finished product for my first T-shirt design (nearly finished). I can't tell you how excited I am. I have a some text to put on the banner and maybe a few lines to work out here and there, but for the most part, this is it. My plan is to get this off to the printers next week. At that point, it's only a matter of time before it hits market. This is your last chance for any final critiques.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 99

I got some more design work done for my first T-shirt. I'm only showing the back for now, but that's because it is pretty much done. Please let me know your thoughts. I need some solid feedback and honest critique.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Days 96,97, and 98

So it's a Holiday weekend and I will be spending most of it with my family. That being said, I am taking the weekend off. Happy Easter everyone.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 95

JohnnyCupcakes. The master of t-shirt design and marketing. This April 1st was no exception to the tricks he has up his sleeves. He started off by releasing a couple designs available only his stores. (yeah he has 4 stores). On top of that, he decided to actually serve cupcakes which are extremely unusual. However, he wasn't done there. For April fool’s day, he took his most basic design, and flipped it upside down. It's simple, basic, inexpensive, and brilliant. The T-shirt is now available on line so go over and check it out.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 94

The guys at Forever Gold Clothing just released two great new T-shirts to commemorate opening day. The thing I love about this promotion isn't just the fact that they chose to depict the greatest baseball rivalry of all time, but also because they present it with such style. It looks and feels like opening day and the video is the touch that puts it over the top. Brilliant work.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 93

The guys at The Breakfast Club have been great encouragement to me. I have gotten tips, advice, and direction through e-mail. That is why it's tough to give this T-shirt critique. First, let me say that I don't want to take away from the design work or quality. However, the latest T-shirt is yet one more tattooed celebrity. The first one was cool. The second one was neat. The third one had a clever enough spin that it still worked, but this fourth one is getting a bit old and maybe even forced.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 92: Who wants to go?

While searching high and low for best and most inspiring T-shirt designers on the web, and have discovered several T-shirt blogs. One of them is the Tee Gazette. They are great for keeping with current releases and T-shirt news. One of the most exciting things they have been promoting is the First Annual Boston Tee Party. Apparently this is going to be a T-shirt convention with a ton of great designers and other stuff. Who wants to go with me?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 91: Design Work

91 days into this T-shirt venture of mine and I have learned so much. It's been fun getting my feet wet and learning about other designers. This first T-shirt design of mine is coming along I think. I like a lot of it, but there are still some things to work out. For example line weights, color scheme, and so on. Regardless, this is where it is as of right now. I need to get going if I'm going to release at the beginning of May.