Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 152

Johnny Cupcakes is at it again....with style. This shirt is money and will go fast. If you're interested pre-order tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 151

Despite my relative silence over the last month or so, the time did not go to complete waste. I was able to see a T-shirt design of mine come to life recently. My wife and I work with the Middle School Youth Group at our church and for the last 2 years I have had the privilege of designing a T-shirt. The theme I chose this year was Super Man. Below is the graphic and a couple of our kids wearing the just released Tee. The name of the Youth Group is G4 which is taken from Luke 2:52. The passage describes how Jesus grew during his youth. He grew in Wisdom, Stature, Socially, and Spiritually. So G4 stands for growth in 4 ways which is the objective for our youth.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 150

I know I have been absent for a little while, but like I had mentioned, things happen. Fortunately there is a silver lining to every gray cloud. This past weekend I experienced one of those clouds. A good friend of mine showed up for a barbecue at my house and expressed a need for a T-shirt. He owns a convenient store and is trying to sell Texas style Barbecue. The only catch was he needed it right away. So with the task assigned on Sunday, was able to turn a killer design around in less than 24 hours. Apparently I needed this rest period to charge the batteries. Here is what I came up with.

The long horn skull will be on the front in the center and the grill will be on the back.