Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 272

Ok well last night we went ahead and ordered the matching bottle cap for the "Our Lady..." tshirt design coming out next week...

I think it looks AWESOME! What do you all think about it?!  
When these arrive we will also be offering "6 pack" of bottle caps to include our other two designs...

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb! :P

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 271

I just received confirmation from our printers that we will have the new "Our Lady..." shirts available for sale by Monday October 8th!  Will post pictures as soon as we get them from the printers next week!

In the meantime, we have only (2) small red logo shirts and First Edition Shirts available!  Keep checking back for sales on current items as well as the new "Our Lady..." shirts!

Hope your day was 'Da Bomb!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 269

Just sent my order in for the next shirt to the printers.  We are going back to the original shirt blank and doing the one hit printing. We like how it gives the shirt an old fashioned look.

Our Lady should be here in a week and half...

In the meantime, go to our shop and check out the other great products we have including the First Edition shirt package...

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 266

Today we here at Soda Bomb took the day off to enjoy the outside with some apple picking...

The boys hamming it up showing off the First Edition Shirts...

And I wasn't to be left out showing off the love and matching the apples! :)

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb! - Sue :P

Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 265- And the winner is...

Drum roll please....... 

The winner of the First Edition Soda Bomb Shirt Package is....  


Congratulations Coach! Hope you enjoy your new shirt and wear it proudly for the Soda Bomb name!

The next shirt will be coming out within the next couple weeks and be ready for sale. 

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

Thursday, September 20, 2012

DAY 264 Time Is Running Out!

Time is running out!! If you want to be entered into the contest to win a First Edition Shirt package then go to our Facebook page and click Share on the latest post!!  Winner will be chosen tomorrow morning at 8 am!

Hope your day was 'Da Bomb!Sue :P

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

DAY 262- Contest Time!

Here it is.... CONTEST TIME!  We want to get the Soda Bomb name out there to the world and we need your help!

The Contest is this...  Go to our Facebook page and Share it to all your friends!  On Friday we will pick a random winner from the list!

The prize you ask..... A First Edition Soda Bomb Shirt package!

We will be away from the computer for a few days but get to sharing with friends and we will see you again later in the week!

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

Monday, September 17, 2012

DAY 261

Sales have been good at Soda Bomb Apparel, and I am happy to announce this is your last chance to get your Red Logo Shirt before they are SOLD OUT!

We still have our First Edition Collector's Shirt available along with stickers and bottle caps.  

Something new we are trying with our bottle caps is that you will receive them with a magnet option.  We are also looking into a key chain option for the next round. 

Give us some ideas of what other fun things we can do with those signature bottle caps!

Check back tomorrow for a contest Bob hinted about last week as well!

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 260

Alright Soda Bomb Fans... Since I have been so busy with normal work, Sue (my partner in so many ways) will be working on the blog, marketing etc.  Bear with us as we make this transition and hope to be offering so much more to you, our fans!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 255

Things have been a little quiet on the Soda Bomb Apparel front. I think it's time to stir things up a bit. Who's up for a free give away contest? Details coming.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 249: Part 3

I was approached yesterday by Geek Shirts about our tees. They gave us a shout out in today's post. Click the image and scroll to the bottom of the page to see it. Thanks for the exposure guys!!!

Day 249: Part 2

Ok. Here it is. The final version of the next shirt to come out. Now I just need to do the color separations and get it to the printers. Oh yeah!!

Day 249

Finally got a chance to do some more work on the next design coming. I had previously gotten the text where I wanted it, but last night I spent some time working on the bottle. I have what I like, just need to tweek a few things and throw in a little more detail, but you get the idea.



Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 248

This doesn't have a whole lot to do with our T-shirts, but it is art and it is really cool. The artist name is Jason  Freeny, and you can find out more about him on his Facebook Page by clicking the image.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 247

We are sold out of X-large for the new Red Logo Shirt. These things are selling and getting some great response. If you're interested in getting one, check out our store. They are just $20 and shipping is free. Also, today is the last day to get the First Limited Edition Shirt on sale for $25. This is a one time print never to be reprinted ever. Simply click on the image to see our online store.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 245

In case you haven't heard, we have some cool things going on at Soda Bomb apparel this Labor Day Weekend. Our First Edition Shirt is on sale through Monday for $25. So if you have been on the fence with ordering one, here is your chance to get it at a cheaper rate. Also, we just released our second shirt called the Red Logo Shirt. It's only $20. These are already selling. In fact, we only have one XL left. Simply click on the image below, and it will take you right to our revamped online store.