Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 69: The Big Announcement

And the name of the top secret product line I want to produce this year is…..DRUM ROLL PLEASE...

What is Soda Bomb?
Soda Bomb is a mash up of soda flavors and explosive devices all blanketed in a nostalgic style. I have a love for the greaser style of the 1950’s. My wife and I have both said that if we were able to pick any time to live in, it would have been that era. It was a time when kids had baseball cards in the bicycle spokes and a date was walking down to the 5 and 10 to get a soda pop with that special girl. Just because it’s 2012 doesn’t mean you aren’t able to enjoy that era. Soda Bomb’s goal is to make you want to grab some palmade and slick that hair back.

Why Soda Bomb?
Many things remind of me of that era, but why did I choose Soda and Bombs? Well for starters, it’s a play on words or a double entendre. The term “that’s so the bomb” is what got the gears turning. However, in addition to that, I also have a sweet tooth for soda and I am slightly intrigued by twisted and edgy imagery. For me it seems natural to create a product line that combines these things and keeps people guessing at how many different combinations there could be.

How will Soda Bomb be presented?
Soda Bomb will be primarily a graphic T-shirt clothing line. In my mind there is nothing better than jeans and T-shirts. I want to encourage that style especially given the era we are trying to market. In addition, I plan to have stickers and buttons so you can show your love for Soda Bomb beyond your favorite T-shirt. One of the things I am most excited about is the potential for creative packaging. When you receive a Soda Bomb product, I want the entire experience to be fun and enjoyable.

When can you expect to see a Soda Bomb product?
It’s coming…lol. My goal is to have a First Edition One Time Only shirt available in May. That’s only about 6 to 8 weeks from now so it’s going to sneak up quick. I haven’t fully decided all the details, but most likely this will be an E-bay shirt sold in a very limited quantity. This will be your chance to let the world know you were the first to discover Soda Bomb.