Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 213

First day of vacation was pretty cool. The best news I got was that the last piece of my Soda Bomb packaging has been shipped. That means all thing should be good to launch on August 6th. Oooooh Yeahh.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 212

I am heading out on vacation for a week. Right now everything seems on track to open shop August 6th. I am going to do my best to post some blogs this week. There is a good chance you will see some photos of Soda Bomb shirts here and there. For now, check out this tag we designed for our shirts.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 206 - Part 2

I took some photos of my visit to the printers this morning. These are some of the first glimpses of our very first shirts.

Day 206

I just got back from the T-shirt printers. Shirts look awesome. I also visited a sticker printer, and it looks like they will be ready soon. As of right now, everything looks right on track for August 6th release date. However, please remember that there is a special offer for Facebook fans. Please feel free to stop by and give us a like.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 205

Guess what came in the mail this weekend. Things are coming together. Tomorrow I go and visit the T-shirt printers.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 204

Check out this new shirt by Johnny Cupcakes. I love it. However, I'm not sure how many bikers want to run around with a T-shirt that says cupcakes...lol.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 202

So the T-shirts are ordered and should be printed on Tuesday. The bottle caps have been printed and are in the mail as we speak. The customized cups are ordered and should be here in time for our release date. We are meeting with a sticker guy next week and should be able to leave with an order placed. What does this all mean? It means Soda Bomb should be on schedule for its “grand opening” scheduled for August 6th.

Are you getting anxious and just can’t wait? Head over to Curbside Designs Facebook page and find out what fans are doing about that.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 199

Heads up. Facebook fans of Curbside Designs are currently taking advantage of an exclusive offer. Become a fan to find out what it is. http://www.facebook.com/curbsidedesignsllp

Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 198: Shhhh....

Ok folks. Those of you who have” liked” Curbside Designs Facebook page will receive a special offer starting tomorrow morning. Unfortunately this is highly top secret. You only get in on it if you “Like” us. Help spread the word so no one misses out on this opportunity. In the meantime, here is another little teaser for our upcoming release.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 197

One of the biggest challenges in this whole Soda Bomb venture of mine, is trying to think of all the bits and pieces that will be necessary. It seems like every time I have it all, I realize we need something else. For example, this really cool return label. It's all in the details.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 196

I spent some time with my T-shirt printer last night and finally made a decision on the style Tee I will be using. It's going to be great for achieving that vintage feel. However, it's a little darker which led to some concerns with the car. We were afraid that the darker shirt color would not allow for the black line to show up. The result would most likely be a large dark splotch closely resembling a car. NOT GOOD. So this warranted a quick redesign on my part. It was really simple and I think the result is actually a little cooler. Please let me know your thoughts.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 195

For those of you who are excited about the upcoming release of Soda Bomb, here's a little treat. Feel free to use this image as your wallpaper. I did.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 194: Part 2

Now why on earth would I be ordering a bunch of these?

Day 194

Last year we went camping with some friends of ours. Just like my and I, they also have 3 boys. As you might have guessed, it made for a great weekend with lots of stories to remember afterwards. We had so much fun we decided to do it again this year. This couple happens to own a screen printing business, the same one that will be doing Soda Bomb, and for this year's camping trip, we decided to have shirts made up. This is the design I came up with. The tent will go on front and the marshmallow will go on the upper back.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 193: Part 2

I just ordered 200 of these. They will be given free to those who purchase our first shirt.
It'll be one way you get to say you were the first to discover Soda Bomb.

Day 193

A good friend of mine shared an email with me yesterday. It was a T-shirt review written by someone else and listed their top 50 favorite shirts. After reviewing them all, I chose this one as my favorite.

Friday, July 6, 2012

DAY 188

Like I said. The plan is to get everything off to printers this weekend. This is the final design for the first shirt.



Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 187: Already!?!

I guess time marches on. This coming weekend we are hoping to finally have everything to the printers. That will include all our marketing and packaging materials as well. I have't been sharing all of the bits and pieces because I want them to be a surprise. In the mean time, check out my new favorite T-shirt.