Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 196

I spent some time with my T-shirt printer last night and finally made a decision on the style Tee I will be using. It's going to be great for achieving that vintage feel. However, it's a little darker which led to some concerns with the car. We were afraid that the darker shirt color would not allow for the black line to show up. The result would most likely be a large dark splotch closely resembling a car. NOT GOOD. So this warranted a quick redesign on my part. It was really simple and I think the result is actually a little cooler. Please let me know your thoughts.


  1. Are you referring to the changing of the original black rectangle border that is now white? If your concern is with the black border, wouldn't the same concern facilitate a color change for the black tribal linework for the upper design?

  2. The original plan was to use the shirt color as the car color. However, the lines at the door and hood would not have stood out enough to get the effect I wanted. So I made the car orange and the sky the shirt color.
    Yes the pin striping and the bottle cap in the sky will also "fade" back, but that is a good thing. They will almost become a subtle ghost image.
