Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day 276

We've been reading a lot about how to get a t shirt company up and off the ground...   We've done the steps that they suggest such as
1. Come up with an original idea for t shirt designs   CHECK
2. Create your logo and your brand   CHECK
3. Create website and social media presence  NEED & CHECK
           We have social media presence as you can follow us on
                  Facebook @ Soda Bomb Apparel
                  Twitter @Soda_Bawb
                  Tumbler at soda-bomb-apparel.tumblr.com
                  and of course Blogger at Curbside Designs
4. Create designs and get them printed...  CHECK
5. Get high quality pictures done of your shirts...  NEED!

Some things I see we are missing is a Website and pictures...  But I feel there is still more...  I figured what better place to find out what else we can do then to ask our audience?!  Shoot out some ideas and offer suggestions and help on how you feel we can get our name out there and get this brand really soaring...

Hope you day was 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

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