Wednesday, January 30, 2013

2013- Day 30 Dr Molotov design ideas

Good news is that Grape Grenade will be available for the weekend! Preorders will go out as early as Friday!  We are excited to get these out to you and hope that you enjoy both the shirt and the new packaging!  These shirts will be available at The Altered Bee starting Friday and they are always available online at our store.

The next flavor to come in our 6 pack flavor set is Dr Molotov!  We have been researching designs and pictures and are looking at shirt color options.  We loved the imagery that comes with the Molotov cocktail, it obviously works great with the Soda Bomb feel.  

But the molotov was the easy part...  We now needed the Dr...  Who better to pay tribute to then our American soldiers who risk their lives daily to save the lives of others....  

Where we live there is a National Guard base not far from our home.  We have driven by it many times, and our sons have lovingly named the black hawk helicopter on display out front the "Army Doctor Helicopter".  It looks very similar to the one below...

Thus we have found the Dr part and so the Dr Molotov will have the militaristic feel of the Army Doctor Helicopter but also the dangerous and volatile feel of the molotov cocktail!  We will still have our vintage feel in there and of course the color we are looking at is called Army Green!

Something else we want to add is when we did the contest, for the 6th flavor in the 6 pack flavor set which got us Dr Molotov, the winner was Beau Chastain who is an American solider who was WIA (Wounded in Action) and is currently deployed, serving our country with the EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) of the Air Force.  We could not think of a better way to honor than to give the first Dr Molotov to him!  Thank you Beau for serving our country and being willing to give your life for us!

And don't forget we are doing new this year is that a portion of every shirt sold will be given to The Wounded Warrior Project!  It's SBA's way of making sure that these brave men and women don't get forgotten for the sacrifices they made for our freedom.

Keep checking back for updates on the design process and don't forget to check out The Altered Bee store in Bristol, NH where you will be able to find our First Edition, Our Lady, and Grape Grenade shirts!

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P


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