Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 62- 2013 Spring Detonation in 16 days!

I don't know about any of you but we here at Soda Bomb Apparel are anxiously awaiting Spring and all the warmer weather that comes with it!  So we have decided to make it savings time for all of you to get you into some SBA apparel just in time for the warm weather!  Starting today....

All shirts no matter what size or design!!!  You will still receive the reusable logo cup, matching magnetic bottle caps, the signed design card, and full color logo stickers in our custom gift box!

We are still working on Dr Molotov and hope once Spring detonation happens, to be able to release it for Presale!  Presale is your opportunity to get custom unisex sizes and youth sizes so make sure to check back to get yours!

We are also still working on a Soda Bomb Apparel mascot affectionately named Cherry Bomb...  We had a lot of good reviews on this guy... What do you all think?

Hope your day was 'Da Bomb!!
Sue :P

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