Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 336

Bob is picking up the Sugar Stache tees from Lucky's Barber Shop today...

Movember is over but you can still get your Sugar Stache while they last... Remember a portion of the proceeds will go to the Movember Charities to aid in finding cures for the diseases plaguing our men.

Shirts will still be sold until gone via our website by clicking the shirt above, at the Grand Opening at  The Altered Bee in Bristol, NH, and at the Davis Holiday Flea Market today and tomorrow in Sommerville, MA via the I want a pony! booth.  The price has been marked down at these locations for these two events to $20 per shirt!  Each shirt comes with a shirt, (2) matching magnetic bottle caps, (2) vinyl logo stickers, and a reusable plastic logo cup.  And they come package with red tissue paper in a brown kraft bag.  So you have the present and wrapping all done in one shot!

Happy Christmas shopping everyone!

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

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