Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 238: Part 2

So this thing is starting to come together. The basic composition is there, but still needs a few things. I plan to tweek some other stuff, but wanted to go ahead and get it out there for feedback. What are everyone's honest opinions?


  1. Maybe the lettering a little larger? The font is busy, so wouldn't want it to get lost from a distance. And the tan color of the bottle doesn't's a little subdued. My 2 cents.

  2. I hear you man. I actually already started on one that has the text bigger and cleaned up a little. Looks better already. I haven't hung my hat on the bottle color quite yet. There is more I want to add all around, but we will see how it goes. Sometimes these things take on a mind of their own after I start and I just sort of sit back and let it go where it wants to...if that makes sense.
