Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 126- 2013 Dr Molotov on Presale

Good Morning SBA fans!!!  I know it's been a while since our last post to you all... Life has been crazy and Soda Bomb had to take the back burner for a while...  We continued working even if we weren't chatting with you though....

We started getting to work on Dr Molotov a couple of months ago... This was our first go at it...

But we were just not happy with this design...  After a few weeks of  messing around with it we finally decided to just put it aside and move on to Orange Nuke...  Then it hit us...  And the juices were flowing again...  This is the second (and final) go at it....

We played around with the colors of the sun rays but finally settled on black...  This shirt is now up for Presale until Friday 5/10 with a 10% discount!  Make sure to get your custom or youth size while you can because once Presale is over then they won't be available.

Next up will be Orange Nuke so keep posted to see what we come up with....

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!!
Sue :P

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