Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 26: Artist Highlight

This weeks’ “artist highlight” is Paul Richardson from the UK. He’s more of a mastermind and business man than artist as he has another guy by the name of Si Mitchell do the art work. I just recently met him online and have been asking him a ton of questions. He has a cool product line coming out next week on February 1st. I asked if I could do an “artist” highlight and he was more than happy to provide me with this little tidbit.

"If you like breakfast, limited edition clothing or t-shirts packaged in juice cartons then TBCLUB is the clothing brand for you!

TBCLUB (The Breakfast Club) is a UK based, limited edition, breakfast themed clothing brand with a difference. The brand is run by Paul Richardson and Si Mitchell who have a mutual dream to see clothing packaged in food boxes! A lot of thought, effort and time is put in to every aspect of the clothing brand. They do all the design work and screen printing themselves by hand and then package the items in to custom made food themed packets which relate to the design. All t-shirts sold are issued with a collectable recipe card, customer loyalty is then rewarded by issuing free gifts when specific recipe cards have been obtained.

Every item produced is limited to a specific quantity (such as 25 or 50), once it has sold out it will not be printed again. So, what are you waiting for? Head over to 
now and join the club!"

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