Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 47: Artist Highlight

Today’s Artist Highlight is someone I just discovered last night. I typically highlight someone I have been following for a while, but this will be the exception. I was searching online last night for some images when I stumbled upon this artist who goes by the name Nils. He is located in Germany and is an artist for hire. His work is bold, fun, and a little dark.

Outside of his work, what really struck me was the notion of hiring an artist to do work. It got me thinking about my own work, T-shirts, and my future product line. When I dream of where this venture of mine can I see all kinds of big things happening, including artist collaboration. That being said, I am starting to make a mental list of who I would like to work with one day, and this guy is definitely one of them.

Check out his work here:

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