Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 40: Artist Highlight

A few Friday’s ago, I did an artist highlight on one of my favorite artists Max Grundy. Well today I want to highlight a product that I am very excited about over at The Arbor Collective. These guys make some sweet Snowboards and Skateboards. The one I am most excited about is the Wasteland Snowboard featuring artwork by Max Grundy. If anyone needs some early birthday gift ideas, I would be very interested in this.

These guys did an outstanding job representing Max. They used wood inlays to recreate the artwork on the snowboard. The result is breathtaking. If you cruise around the website enough you will also notice Max’s art work showing up on skate boards For example, take a look at the Fleetwood.

This is why I am so inspired by Max Grundy and his work. It would be very cool to one day have my product line S*** B*** show up on a snowboard.

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