Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 365- Final Day in the 1 year venture

Where else do you start but at the beginning...

Day 1:
So today is the day I decide to do it. I just announced my venture on Facebook and already I'm getting some feed back. Very exciting! The idea here is to document my t shirt venture every step of the way. I will need to know how to blog, design, market, sell and well... everything else associated with starting a small retail business.

Fast forward to Day 365:
Well I have to say this has been of the most enjoyable 1 year ventures that I have done along with the master mind behind it all, Bob!  We have had our ups and downs, the frustrations of learning how to do things, what works, what doesn't, how to get our name out there, how to create designs people will buy, where to sell them, Facebook, Twitter and even Tumblr gave us a hassle.  But we kept pushing through, trying different things, learning from mistakes and eventually starting to get into a routine and understanding of the basic skills needed.

Year in review...

  • Day 16 we started on Facebook with 36 likes
  • Day 21 we made our offficial entry into the Manchester Roller Derby logo contest
  • Day 29 we revealed a sneak peek at the new brand
  • Day 48 & 50 showed us our first glimpses at Rootbeer Explosion t shirt
  • Day 51 showed us our first glimpses at Grape Grenade t shirt
  • Day 69 we released the name of our brand SODA BOMB APPAREL
  • Day 84 & 100 brought us the first views at our first shirt... First Edition
  • Day 151 showed us a Superman inspired design for our church youth group G4
  • Day 154 we had 54 likes on Facebook
  • Day 150 & 158 showed us a design we did advertising Texas Barbecue for a friend
  • Day 159 brought us the official Soda Bomb Apparel logo
  • Day 193 brought us the first bottle cap for the First Edition Limited Release shirt
  • Day 194 showed us a design we did for our family vacation with friends
  • Day 197 we had 74 likes on Facebook
  • Day 198 brought us the packaging for our shirts... our logo cups
  • Day 206 brought us the behind the scenes printing of the First Edition Shirt
  • Day 220 we were officially open for business in our online store
  • Day 223 we had 96 likes on Facebook
  • Day 229 brought us the Red Logo Shirt
  • Day 240 brought us the Our Lady Shirt
  • Day 249 we were given our first Shout Out on Geek Shirts blog
  • Day 256 we had 125 likes on Facebook
  • Day 290 brought us Sugar Stache Shirt
  • Day 295 showed us a design for our son's indoor soccer team called Winnisquam FC
  • Day 300 we had 136 likes on Facebook
  • Day 307 we announced that a portion of the final proceeds in the Sugar Stache shirts will go to the Movember charities
  • Day 308 we announced you could get the Sugar Stache shirt at Lucky's Barber Shop & Shave Parlor
  • Day 312 we had 140 likes on Facebook
  • Day 319 brought an awesome review from Indie Minded blog
  • Day 323 brought us our first official Soda Bomb Photo Shoot with Memories Frozen in Time
  • Day 330 brought Soda Bomb to the Davis Flea Holiday Market with I want a pony!
  • Day 332 brought Soda Bomb to a new store The Altered Bee in Bristol
  • Day 344 brought an awesome review from Geek Shirts blog
  • Day 345 brought the introduction of the 6 pack flavors collection and the contest to find the 6th flavor to be announced tomorrow
  • Day 359 brought us a sneak peek at the new SBA mascot
  • Day 363 brought us a sneak peek at the revamped Grape Grenade design
  • Day 365 we have 159 likes on Facebook and 97 followers on Twitter!
And here we are on day 365... we have had 2 awesome reviews, 4 seperate t shirt designs for SBA, 3 separate t shirt designs for friends, our shirts in 3 different market locations and we are getting 2-3 new followers every couple days.

2012 New Year's Resolution...   Start a T Shirt company...      

2013 New Year's Resolution...    World domination one Soda Bomb at a time!

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 363 Sneak Peek

Can't believe we only have 2 days left until the year is up!  Anyways, enough nostalgia, onto the news at hand...  We have been working hard on the first of the 6-pack flavors....

Can anyone guess which one it will be?

Don't forget you can still get these shirts by going to our store (Simply click the design below).  The New Year will bring new stuff including E-Gift Certificates for those of you who want to give SBA as a gift for the choosing! :P

These shirts can also be purchased at The Altered Bee in Bristol NH.  Make sure to stop in and say hi as she rearranges the shop from Christmas to Winter Wonderland!

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 359

Well it's obvious we are coming to a quick end on our year long t-shirt venture... But we aren't throwing in the towel yet!  As a matter of fact, this next week will be full of creative juices and a lot of ink and paper!  We are already working on the new designs for the 6-Pack flavor and we also have started work on the new Soda Bomb Apparel Mascot...

Here is a quick peek to see what you think...

There will be more to come over the next week including sneak peeks at the new line to be put up for Pre-Sale in January...

In the meantime, you can still order these great designs from our store (by clicking the picture below) and on Weds you can get them again at The Altered Bee as well!

Pray that you all have a wonderful Christmas with your families and we will see you later!

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 352

First of all, we want to say we are continuing to pray for those families and lives effected in this horrible tragedy in Newtown, CT.  Our hearts and prayers go out to each family and to all those families and children who will be continuing to deal with this for the rest of their lives.  May God be with you each day!

13 days left to finish out this year long t-shirt venture...  While we started January 1st in blogging our little expedition, we only started printing shirts in July/August so we aren't throwing in the towel just yet! We have seen an increase in views to our social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr) and we thank you all for it!  We ask you to consider sharing our posts and our shirts with others as we want to continue to grow in the new year!

We also want to thank you some local businesses who have teamed up with us to make this all possible...

First and foremost, Shirtmasters who has come along side to aid us in selecting the right shirt blank to printing these incredible shirts!

Second, The Altered Bee who allowed us to be shown in their store in Bristol, NH.

Third, I want a pony who has taken our shirts for the long drive down the highway to Providence RI and Somerville Ma to show us in the various vintage markets.

And finally to Lucky's Barber Shop and Shave Parlor who allowed us to show the Sugar Stache shirt that aided in the awareness of "Movember" and how these cancers effect so many of our men.

The new year will bring new designs, new shirts, ladies and children sizing and hopefully some Pop up shops of our own at various events.  We will also be starting to give to the Wounded Warriors Project and we still are working on our donation to Movember charities!  We look forward to continuing to work on this venture with your help!  And pray that we get the opportunity to make someone's day with a new shirt with a purpose!

Remember we are also available for t-shirt designs for your company, club or event! Simply shoot us a message with ideas and we will see what we can do to add some "Soda Bomb" flair in there!

Check back this week for additional Sugar Stache shirts becoming available via our Store.

Have a great day everyone... Hope it was 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 345- New "Flavors"

Well it's been fun coming up with the new 6-pack flavors...  We didn't want to be too cliche but wanted them to be new,fun and exciting!  But we could only come up with 5 flavors and it's a 6 pack?!?!

We brainstormed and brainstormed and just couldn't come up with something we really loved... So we decided... Why not ask the fans?!!?

Here is our next contest... The 5 flavors we know we are using are listed below.. message us on either Twitter, Tumblr or Facebook and let us know what you think the 6th flavor should be!  The winner will receive the first shirt off the presses in the design they choose out of the 6-pack flavors.  Simple as that!  You have until January 1st to get your entry into us.

In the meantime, we will be releasing little glimpses of the new designs over the next few weeks... Let us know what you think!







Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!!
Sue :P

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 344

Shirts are still selling well at our various shops including 2 more out the door at the Davis Flea Market with I want a pony!  We are looking to get the current designs off our shelves and into your homes so that we can release the new 6 pack flavor designs for the New Year.

Currently the Sugar Stache t-shirts are only available at Lucky's Barber Shop and I want a pony! so make sure that you get down there and pick up yours before they are gone.  As soon as they are gone we will be donating a portion of the proceeds to the Movember charities to aid in the research to find a cure.

We also have been working with a couple other independent bloggers and have gotten our names out there via 


Check out the write-ups on us and see if you agree! :)  We love the feedback and look forward to producing more shirts for our fans to love!

A big thank you to our supports and colleagues...  Check them out for yourself...

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 341

Good Evening Soda Bomb Loyal Fans!

Don't forget to stop by our local shops to pick up our shirts for the discounted price of $20!  We still have Sugar Stache shirts available down in Concord at Lucky's Barber Shop and you can pick up in Bristol, Our Lady and First Edition up at The Altered Bee.  We are also available at The Davis Holiday Flea Market down in Sommerville MA at the I want a pony! booth where you can pick up Sugar Stache and Our Lady.

We are also working on many designs behind the scenes.  New for the New Year we are working on our "6-pack flavors" collection which includes such favorites as The Grape Grenade.  All new shirts being introduced will also be available, for the Pre-Sale time, in both Ladies cuts and children's sizing.  This will give you opportunity to personalize your fit and get something Soda Bomb for the kiddos!

Remember we are donating 10% of the Sugar Stache sales to the Movember charities to help in this fight against men's cancers. And starting in January 2013, we will also be giving $1 of each shirt sale to The Wounded Warriors Foundation.  These men and women give so much for us, it's our turn to give back to them!

So get out there and pick up your shirt whether at one of our local dealers or online at our store at  and don't forget to follow us on TwitterFacebookTumblr and Blogspot!

Hope your day was 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 336 Part 2

Lucky's Barber Shop and Shave Parlor wanted to keep the Sugar Stache a little longer....  So stop on by and check them out and pick up a Sugar Stache for only $20! Custom wrapped and ready for gift giving!

And you can get the First Edition and Our Lady at The Altered Bee for the low price of $20! Just stop by Weds through Saturday for the whole month of December... Pick up a shirt and some other cool vintage items while you are there!

You can also get the Sugar Stache and Our Lady t-shirts at the I want a pony! booth at the Davis Flea Holiday Market!

Happy shopping everyone!

Hope your day was 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

Day 336

Bob is picking up the Sugar Stache tees from Lucky's Barber Shop today...

Movember is over but you can still get your Sugar Stache while they last... Remember a portion of the proceeds will go to the Movember Charities to aid in finding cures for the diseases plaguing our men.

Shirts will still be sold until gone via our website by clicking the shirt above, at the Grand Opening at  The Altered Bee in Bristol, NH, and at the Davis Holiday Flea Market today and tomorrow in Sommerville, MA via the I want a pony! booth.  The price has been marked down at these locations for these two events to $20 per shirt!  Each shirt comes with a shirt, (2) matching magnetic bottle caps, (2) vinyl logo stickers, and a reusable plastic logo cup.  And they come package with red tissue paper in a brown kraft bag.  So you have the present and wrapping all done in one shot!

Happy Christmas shopping everyone!

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P