Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 345- New "Flavors"

Well it's been fun coming up with the new 6-pack flavors...  We didn't want to be too cliche but wanted them to be new,fun and exciting!  But we could only come up with 5 flavors and it's a 6 pack?!?!

We brainstormed and brainstormed and just couldn't come up with something we really loved... So we decided... Why not ask the fans?!!?

Here is our next contest... The 5 flavors we know we are using are listed below.. message us on either Twitter, Tumblr or Facebook and let us know what you think the 6th flavor should be!  The winner will receive the first shirt off the presses in the design they choose out of the 6-pack flavors.  Simple as that!  You have until January 1st to get your entry into us.

In the meantime, we will be releasing little glimpses of the new designs over the next few weeks... Let us know what you think!







Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!!
Sue :P

1 comment:

  1. Grape Grenade and Cherry Bomb are the only ones here that I really like. The others feel forced. I think a more natural use of Orange would be Agent Orange. Sure its chemical warfare rather than explosive weaponry but a gas bomb is still a bomb. Other than that I would say it's important not to rush the six pack, let it be more organic. It seems like people really like the vintage/iconic image inspired ones a lot. Maybe just keep pushing those until the flavors just seem obvious.
