Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 341

Good Evening Soda Bomb Loyal Fans!

Don't forget to stop by our local shops to pick up our shirts for the discounted price of $20!  We still have Sugar Stache shirts available down in Concord at Lucky's Barber Shop and you can pick up in Bristol, Our Lady and First Edition up at The Altered Bee.  We are also available at The Davis Holiday Flea Market down in Sommerville MA at the I want a pony! booth where you can pick up Sugar Stache and Our Lady.

We are also working on many designs behind the scenes.  New for the New Year we are working on our "6-pack flavors" collection which includes such favorites as The Grape Grenade.  All new shirts being introduced will also be available, for the Pre-Sale time, in both Ladies cuts and children's sizing.  This will give you opportunity to personalize your fit and get something Soda Bomb for the kiddos!

Remember we are donating 10% of the Sugar Stache sales to the Movember charities to help in this fight against men's cancers. And starting in January 2013, we will also be giving $1 of each shirt sale to The Wounded Warriors Foundation.  These men and women give so much for us, it's our turn to give back to them!

So get out there and pick up your shirt whether at one of our local dealers or online at our store at  and don't forget to follow us on TwitterFacebookTumblr and Blogspot!

Hope your day was 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

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