Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 352

First of all, we want to say we are continuing to pray for those families and lives effected in this horrible tragedy in Newtown, CT.  Our hearts and prayers go out to each family and to all those families and children who will be continuing to deal with this for the rest of their lives.  May God be with you each day!

13 days left to finish out this year long t-shirt venture...  While we started January 1st in blogging our little expedition, we only started printing shirts in July/August so we aren't throwing in the towel just yet! We have seen an increase in views to our social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr) and we thank you all for it!  We ask you to consider sharing our posts and our shirts with others as we want to continue to grow in the new year!

We also want to thank you some local businesses who have teamed up with us to make this all possible...

First and foremost, Shirtmasters who has come along side to aid us in selecting the right shirt blank to printing these incredible shirts!

Second, The Altered Bee who allowed us to be shown in their store in Bristol, NH.

Third, I want a pony who has taken our shirts for the long drive down the highway to Providence RI and Somerville Ma to show us in the various vintage markets.

And finally to Lucky's Barber Shop and Shave Parlor who allowed us to show the Sugar Stache shirt that aided in the awareness of "Movember" and how these cancers effect so many of our men.

The new year will bring new designs, new shirts, ladies and children sizing and hopefully some Pop up shops of our own at various events.  We will also be starting to give to the Wounded Warriors Project and we still are working on our donation to Movember charities!  We look forward to continuing to work on this venture with your help!  And pray that we get the opportunity to make someone's day with a new shirt with a purpose!

Remember we are also available for t-shirt designs for your company, club or event! Simply shoot us a message with ideas and we will see what we can do to add some "Soda Bomb" flair in there!

Check back this week for additional Sugar Stache shirts becoming available via our Store.

Have a great day everyone... Hope it was 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

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