Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 359

Well it's obvious we are coming to a quick end on our year long t-shirt venture... But we aren't throwing in the towel yet!  As a matter of fact, this next week will be full of creative juices and a lot of ink and paper!  We are already working on the new designs for the 6-Pack flavor and we also have started work on the new Soda Bomb Apparel Mascot...

Here is a quick peek to see what you think...

There will be more to come over the next week including sneak peeks at the new line to be put up for Pre-Sale in January...

In the meantime, you can still order these great designs from our store (by clicking the picture below) and on Weds you can get them again at The Altered Bee as well!

Pray that you all have a wonderful Christmas with your families and we will see you later!

Hope your day is 'Da Bomb!
Sue :P

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