Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 10: Well....

So today was one of those days when you get up and don't stop until...well now. That being said, I have not had a chance to work on any new designs. However, I do have a few things to fill you guys in on.

First: I am going to put together a Curbside Designs Fan Page on Facebook. At that point all of my blog posts will also be posted in that location. This make will it possible for more people to post comments without signing up for a Blog Spot account. This should be set up by this weekend.

Second: I am going to start dropping subtle hints about a product line I am looking to create through out this year. So look for icons or images appearing here and there to give you clues. I don't want to give away too much too quick so you are going to have to look hard and use your imagination.

Since I like to post art work each day, and I have nothing new, I am reaching into my "vault". I am going way back to my college days when I was a starry eyed student dreaming of fame and This was something I did for my Typography class. We were tasked to display our name in a way that portrayed our personalities. This was what I came up with.