Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 8: One down, on to the rest.

So this is the final product for contest submittal. I changed a few more minor things. For example, I dropped the brass knuckles and did a “fancy” cut on the upper banners, I finally decided to go with the shading on the rays, and I eliminated the color white. The reason for eliminating the color white was to reduce the design to 3 colors. This was one of requirements for the contest. I had kind of gotten away from that, but in the end decided to honor the contest guidelines. Now we wait.

In the mean time I am working on some sketches for a T-shirt requested by a good friend of mine. It’s for the military EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal). There is an existing logo that I am using as a guideline.

 However, I am permitted to rework it so long as I keep the original elements in my design (the bomb, the bolts of bolts, and the wreath). This is going to be fun because it will lead nicely into a line of T-shirts I want to do. My buddy and I have already gone back and forth a couple times and we are both excited about the direction this could go.
Thank you guys for your support and input so far. Help me continue to get the word out on what I am trying to do here. I am getting more and more ideas by the day.