Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 3: Dilemma

So for this post, I worked on getting my design digitized. I felt really good about what I had gotten done. I was actually getting on that “artistic high”. Was…. This is a screen shot of the line work in the program I’ve been using.

Here’s the rub. Whenever I design stuff I usually look around for inspiration. Especially when it’s a subject I know little about (like roller derby). One of the places I love to look is a website called istock photo. They have tens if not hundreds of thousands of photos and clip art. Almost any genre you can imagine. The cool thing is that they are royalty free. Meaning there is no copyright issue (assuming you purchase the image). So I searched for “Roller Derby” and found some great reference material. However, I also found this…
Yeah, it’s uncomfortably similar to what I’ve done. A lot of that reason is because I was going for a crest type of design because Manchester is the Queen City. By nature crest designs tend to be the similar. You have the center “shield”, objects flanking either side of that shield (lions perhaps), a crown at top, and some sort of banner. Google “crest” or “family crest” and you will see what I am talking about. So I’m not worried about looking like I copied someone. However, I am a little bummed out about how unoriginal it feels now. So the problem is this: do I go forward with this design, or do I trash it and start fresh? The purist in me says trash it, but at the same time, I was so excited about how it was coming together.

Any thoughts?


  1. Your banner is little more substantial and your center crest is less "aggressive" (maybe not the right word, but since this is a league that encompasses children...). Maybe if you steered a little from the crest idea, make the fist look like it is breaking through something. Just some thoughts, but I still like your original design.

  2. I totally agree, it is nice, and very interesting to look at.

  3. I'd say, trash the idea and start fresh...kind of harsh, I know but thats what I'd do...I recently did a portrait sketch for a friend of her daughter (8 mo old) and it looked like an older version of her daughter, as much as it pained me I started over and was much happier with the end result.

  4. I really love your logo. You are a talented artist.

    I'm not sure I should mention this and stress you out further but a fist in a circle is sometimes used in karate logos. Check out "Mu Duk Kwan" or "Tang Soo Do" on Google Images if you want to see what I am referencing.

  5. Yeah Amanda. I knew about the fist, but I was less concerned about it. I was using the already preconceived idea of the fist to portray aggression. However, I have been brain storming a different direction all together. So maybe I'll explore that a little bit. Thanks for the input so far everyone. I find it encouraging.

  6. Brainstorm: close up of a wheel with a fist punching through some fire with a graffiti look....

  7. A skull missing some teeth, lol.....with rollerskates behind it. Like skull and crossbones...looking forward to seeing what you come up with!!

  8. The door of opportunity won't open unless you do some pushing. Redo it.
