Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 17: Opening the Vault Again

Today was another one of those days when I find it hard to get any design work done. I think this may end up being the trend for Wednesdays. So once again, I am reaching into the vault and pulling out some artwork from way back. This was done during the last art class I took back in 1999. There really isn’t anything fancy about it, but it’s one of my favorites. If you know me at all, you’ll know that’s unusual. I very rarely like my work. However, this one just always stuck out to me. It was done with pen and ink on Bristol board and took only a day or two. It was an actual feather Sue had on her desk and I was cramming to get this assignment done. I just sat down and did it one weekend when we were visiting her folks. Maybe for now I’ll start calling Wednesdays “Way Back Wednesdays.”


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hey, I like that! Way Back Wednesdays! I might even join you!
