Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 4: Redesign

So I got some great feedback on Day 3’s “Dilemma” post. Some of you said “keep what you have, it isn’t that close.” Others of you said to “go with your gut and do a redesign.” In the end, I kind of did both. I hung on to the elements I really loved and changed the ones that bothered me. The conclusion is what you see here.

The biggest change was the removal of the skates. I got it in my head that they needed to be there. However, the more research I did, the more I found that to be very cliché. Almost every Roller Derby logo has a skate in it, so it wasn’t going to be original no matter what I did. I also opted out of the fist. While I did feel it portrayed the “aggression” typically associated with Roller Derby, I felt it was a little forced and lacked a smooth tie-in to the rest of the composition.

What I did decide to do was turn my “shield” into a wheel (some of you already thought it was a wheel). This allowed me to incorporate some text on the wheel without it looking out of place. The other element I added was the shooting stars coming out. I decided that instead of aggression, I wanted to portray energy. I recently watched some Roller Derby documentaries, and the one thing that struck me was the level of energy associated with these events. I think it out weighed the stereotypical aggression (or at least was the catalyst).

Finally, I decided to keep the banner and crown. The banner is just my personal style. I kind of like to use some tattoo influences in my designs, and nothing says tattoo like banners. Also, the crown just had to stay. Manchester, NH is the queen city.

All in all I am pretty happy with it. The next step is to start dressing it up with color. I will also tweak some of the text. Please feel free to continue offering your input. It has been very helpful and especially encouraging.