Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 6: Part 1

Hello everybody. I just wanted to check in this morning to lay down the plan for the day. As I pursue this T-shirt business, I intend to do the bulk of my work on the weekends. Today and tomorrow should allow me enough time to just about wrap up the Roller Derby design. So hopefully I will be able to share some periodic progress displays throughout the days.

For those of you who have stumbled across this blog and aren’t quite sure what it’s about, let me explain. I am spending 2012 pursuing a long time dream to start a T-shirt design small business. I am giving myself 365 days. On January 1st 2013 I will review my progress and determine if I have what it takes to be a T-shirt designer. Either way, I will finally know and can stop saying “one day” or “if only”. I am asking for people to spread the word and help me get as many followers as possible. I want feedback throughout this adventure and I want it to come from a broad demographic.
So, let the creative work begin. For now, I will leave you with this motivational video. Let it inspire you to also pursue your dreams.

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