Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 2

Yesterday I showed some of my “brain storming” drawings. Tonight I spent some time pulling them together into some sort of arrangement. (Notice the drawing on  the pad to the right)

I like where it’s going so far. However the sketch is a bit rough. It’s not a great composition and spatially it is struggling a little bit. The next step is to start scanning and digitizing the drawing. This will allow me the ability to better arrange certain features as well as resize them easily. It saves me a lot of hand drawing.

One of the main areas I’m struggling with right now is the text placement. The contest guidelines request certain text to be displayed. For example, the want Manchester Roller Derby, Men, Women, Kids, and the acronym MRD all displayed. I definitely need to spend some time on this as it is the most important part of the logo.

Well this is it for my blog post tonight. I could use the rest the time tonight to work on this design. Thank you all for your support so far. Don’t forget, I could really use some input. I only “kind of” know what I’m doing (By “kind of” I mean I’m faking it). Also, some folks have mentioned difficulty on posting comments to the blog. I am looking into. For now feel free to comment through Facebook or Google +.