Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 15: Now We're Talking

Tonight I worked on digitizing my sketches from last night. I am getting really excited about this now.
However I may or may not complete this design without jumping onto something else first. In my mind
the two will go hand in hand. For now though, this is what I have on the EOD design.

I do have other news tonight. I have officially created (rereleased) the Curbside Designs Fan Page on
Facebook. Please visit and give us a like. When you are finished, try prodding your friends to do the
same. This is where I see this venture gaining the most momentum. I plan on posting my blogs there
as well, so now anyone can offer input on designs. I look forward to getting even more feedback and
critique, the more the better. When I finally do release a product line, I want it to be as much yours as it
is mine. Your input will help make that happen.

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