Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 11: You have got to be kidding me!

Tonight was one of those nights when I feel really productive. I sat down and started working on the EOD T-shirt design. I was feeling really good. Things were just flowing in a really cool way. Finally I came up with this awesome outline.

Then I decided to move on to the coloring. That’s when it happened. You see, many times the coloring part is the most exciting. That’s the part that is supposed to bring your art to life. But not this time. I finished the coloring and went to preview it. This is what I saw.

I was horrified. I hate it. It’s week. It’s bland. It sucks. Now in the past this would be it for me. This was the very type of thing that would cause me to throw in the towel and walk away for about a decade or so. I can’t do that this time because I made up my mind to do it different. I think I am just going to walk away briefly and do some work on some other stuff. In a day or two I will take another look and see what I can do. In the mean time, do your worst. Let the critiques fly. I’m a big boy. I can take it. LOL

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