Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 5: Artist Highlight

So I’m getting this post out a little earlier than I have the previous days. Part of that is because for the next six weeks, my evenings will be spent taking my two oldest sons to snowboard lessons. The other part is that I am going to try posting my blogs around noon time. I think it will be a little easier for people to keep up with them.
Since my Friday evenings are booked for the next six weeks, Friday’s are going to be hard to get any design work done. So for the next six Friday’s I am going to share some of my favorite artists, or those who inspire me. It gives you guys a chance to take a peek at what makes me tick. This week, the artist I would like to introduce is a guy that goes by Hamilton. His website displays a lot of his work and style. For example:

I found this guy years ago on line. The moment I saw his work I fell in love with it. I have contacted him a few times through e-mail and he is really cool and down to earth (and humble). The reason I like his work so much is because of the rockabilly, hot rod, and tattoo influences he uses. At first his stuff seems random and chaotic, but the more you look at it, you see how well it ties together. Every bit of it screams rebels and fast cars. As best I know, he mostly paints one of a kind wood plaques and signs for businesses. He also sells a lot of his stuff either as the original wood plaque or as a reproduction print. Although he does have T-shirts for sale showing his artwork, I wouldn’t consider him a T-shirt designer. He’s a fine artist and I love his work. It definitely influences my own style as I pursue my T-shirt venture.

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